Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am rather peeved that I am not being allowed to post on "Socialized Medicine" at the moment. The error message I get is:

553 Permission

Any clues to what it is all about?

Fortunately the Mirror Site is up and running.


Miracles do happen! I got a same-day reply from in response to my email complaining of the above problem. And they fixed the problem too! Below is the reply:

"Thanks for writing in. I've just checked the blog you mentioned, and I was able to post and republish without a problem. A small number of users are seeing a 553 Permission denied error when publishing to Blog*Spot. If this happens to you, log out of Blogger, clear your cookies, and log back in. We are working to fix this problem. For further updates on Blogger issues, please see our Blogger Status page here: Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns!"

I used to check the Status page when problems arose but it was rarely updated and never told me anything relevant to the mess of the day so I no longer do.


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